The Truth Behind Celebrity Smiles

How do celebrities get their teeth straight, white and camera ready (celebrity smiles) in the fastest way possible?
The Truth Behind Celebrity Smiles

How do celebrities get their teeth straight, white and camera ready in the fastest way possible? First, they consult with a cosmetic dentist, like Schroeder Dentistry, about their priorities. Most have strict time schedules so traditional orthodontics (braces) are out of the question.


If alignment issues must be addressed due to crowding, clear aligners are a simple option. Most clear aligner treatments take 6-18 months but cannot be see due to their transparent shade.


After alignment, the shade and color of the teeth is addressed. Whitening all the teeth is important before cosmetic procedures so the final dental work will match to the whitest shade possible with the teeth. Sometimes, the clear aligner trays (Invisalign, ClearCorrect, etc.) may be used to hold whitening gel against the teeth for at-home whitening purposes.


Next, veneers and crowns are discussed depending on the celebrities bite and any history of clenching or grinding. Veneers require very minimal reshaping of the teeth but may pop off or become dislodged if the celebrity constantly grinds their teeth or has an extremely hard diet. Find below an image depicting the difference between crowns and veneers. For all intents and purposes, dental crowns completely cap the tooth like a hat and veneers cover the front surface like a mask.

Before and after photos below show the changes in the smiles of celebrities and how important it was for them to change their smile. It is important to many of our patients as well to create the custom smile they deserve alongside the guidance of Dr. Fred Schroeder and Dr. Thad Schroeder at Schroeder Cosmetic and Family Dentistry. Our office provides Invisalign, Boost and Sapphire Whitening and many veneer and crowns options to create the smile that is just right for you.

Celebrity Smiles: - Blake Lively
Blake Lively - Before and After - Celebrity Smiles